Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

When you visit Glue Up websites and services – as an administrator, member, or visitor – cookies may be placed on your computer or a device you are using by Glue Up or a third party. A sample list of cookies placed by Glue Up appears below.

What Is A Cookie?

A cookie is a chunk of data – typically stored as a text file – that is placed on your computer or other devices when you visit a particular website. The cookie is used to identify your device to the website when you visit again so the site can load your preferences, automatically accept your credentials, or otherwise personalize the experience. Cookies do not store personal information about you, just information identifying your device.

Accepting Cookies.

Within your browser settings, you can choose whether to accept cookies. To access Glue Up sites and services as an administrator, member, or visitor, you need to enable cookies (which most browsers do by default).

Third-Party Cookies.

You can also separately control whether to accept third-party cookies – cookies placed by third-party services that are integrated into the website you are visiting.

For example, third-party cookies are used by Google Analytics for tracking website traffic, and by Glue Up to embed its functionality on non-Glue Up sites using widgets. You only need to enable third-party cookies if you are using third-party services that require you to do so.

By default, Safari blocks third-party cookies, while Firefox and Chrome accept them. Internet Explorer blocks third-party cookies by default but allows users to accept them from Glue Up and other sites. Some firewalls or browser plug-ins may affect your browser's cookies settings.

Cookies Placed Via Glue Up Sites.

The following cookies are placed by Glue Up on your computer or device to support the operation of your Glue Up site.

  • PHPSESSID - Main Session ID
  • eb-lifetime - Language storage
  • _gid, _gat, _ga - Google Analytics
  • _pk* - Matomo Analytics
  • intercom-id - Intercom
  • hubspotutk, _hs* - Hubspot
  • gu_landing - First visit
  • gu_lang - Language and Location Storage

If you are embedding Glue Up functionality on another site using widgets, a technical cookie may be saved to your visitors’ computers or devices if third-party cookies are disabled in the browser. Glue Up uses Google Analytics for internal activity tracking, so a cookie from Google Analytics may also be placed on your computer.

Web Beacons.

We also use web beacons on our websites and in email communications. For example, we may place web beacons in marketing emails that notify us when you click on a link in the email that directs you to one of our websites. Such technologies are used to operate and improve our websites and email communications.

Where Can I Get Further Information?

If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please email us at