Enabling Chambers of Commerce to Thrive

Enabling Chambers of Commerce to Thrive ebook
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Enabling Chambers of Commerce to Thrive

Chambers of commerce, like businesses and governments, are experiencing new challenges and opportunities in the age of COVID-19. From adapting to working from home to convincing members to renew in times of crisis, the challenges are diverse and increasingly difficult to overcome. By using the pandemic to adapt and reevaluate normal practices, chambers of commerce can turn COVID-19 into an opportunity for growth.

Glue Up put together a resource guide for chamber professionals from tips and how-tos for navigating and embracing the shift from in-person engagement to digital engagement.

This e-book aims to guide chambers of commerce into what strategies they need to put in place to be ready for the post-pandemic world. The global pandemic has altered business as we know it, and business communities must adapt to survive.

Download this eBook for free now.
