Top KPIs Associations Should Focus on to Accelerate Their Growth

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Top KPIs Associations Should Focus on to Accelerate Their Growth

Content Writer
8 minutes read

When member organizations don’t focus on the right KPIs, they risk missing crucial insights that could drive their growth. Without clear metrics to track, it becomes challenging to measure member engagement, identify areas for improvement, or understand the true impact of events and initiatives. 

This lack of data-driven decision-making leads to inefficient resource allocation, declining member retention, and missed opportunities for expansion. 

To overcome these challenges, associations need to focus on the most relevant KPIs that provide a roadmap for sustainable growth. This guide covers which KPIs your association should prioritize to stay ahead. Read on to learn more.

Key Takeaways

  • Associations should focus on essential KPIs like membership growth, retention, engagement, and financial health to ensure sustainable growth.
  • Monitoring membership growth and retention is vital to gauge member satisfaction and the effectiveness of recruitment strategies.
  • Tracking event success and digital engagement helps measure member involvement and the effectiveness of outreach efforts.
  • High volunteer participation and successful partnerships strengthen the community and provide measurable benefits to the association.
  • Glue Up simplifies KPI tracking with centralized data, real-time analytics, and tools for improving member engagement and operational efficiency.

What are KPIs?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurable values that help organizations assess their success in achieving specific objectives. They serve as benchmarks that track progress toward strategic goals, providing insights into the effectiveness of operations, programs, and initiatives. 

For associations, KPIs can measure various aspects, such as member engagement, event performance, and financial health. However, focusing on the right KPIs helps associations make data-driven decisions, improve efficiency, and accelerate their growth.

Why do KPIs Matter?

KPIs allow associations to make data-driven decisions, adjust strategies in real-time, and stay aligned with their objectives. These metrics help identify areas for improvement, enabling associations to focus on what drives growth and member satisfaction

Ultimately, tracking the right KPIs leads to smarter planning, better outcomes, and sustainable success. That’s why KPIs matter. 

Here are the key metrics associations must track to grow their organizations.

Membership Growth Rate

The first notable KPI is the membership growth rate, which is one of the most critical metrics for any association. This KPI measures how quickly your member base is expanding over a specific period. 

A steady increase in membership reflects growing interest in your association’s offerings and indicates that your marketing and outreach strategies are effective. However, one of the top reasons associations believe prospects are not signing up for membership is a lack of perceived value, with 60% citing this as a key barrier

Monitoring the membership growth rate helps associations assess whether they are attracting the right audience and if their value proposition resonates with potential members. Conversely, a stagnant or declining growth rate may signal the need for adjustments in recruitment strategies.

Member Retention Rate

Another equally important KPI is the member retention rate, which tracks the percentage of members who renew their membership year after year

High retention rates are a strong indicator of member satisfaction, as repeat customers typically spend 67% more than new customers. This also holds true for association members who see value in your offerings. 

A high retention rate reflects the benefits members experience, while a low retention rate may indicate dissatisfaction or a disconnect between the services provided and members' expectations.

Keeping this KPI high requires focusing on delivering ongoing value, consistent engagement, and effective communication with your members.

Engagement Metrics


Member engagement is the foundation of a thriving association, and tracking engagement metrics can give you a deeper understanding of how involved your members are. 

Metrics such as event registration rate, participation in online forums, or interactions with newsletters and social media can all serve as indicators of member engagement. 

Strong engagement not only improves retention but also builds a sense of community, making your association more attractive to both current and potential members. 

In fact, 58% of alumni organizations report a lack of engagement as the primary reason members don’t renew. To make certain you're on the right side and achieving sufficient engagement, it's crucial to track member engagement consistently.

Financial Health Metrics

Financial stability is vital for long-term success, and monitoring financial KPIs helps guarantee that your association remains solvent and sustainable. Key financial health metrics include revenue from membership dues, event ticket sales, sponsorships, and donations.

Additionally, it’s important to track operating costs to verify a healthy balance between income and expenses. A clear understanding of your financial health allows your association to make informed decisions about where to allocate resources for growth

Stats show that 47% of CFOs are concerned they are making decisions based on inaccurate or out-of-date information, making it essential for organizations to track financial metrics regularly.

Event Success Rate

Events often play a significant role in member engagement and revenue generation for associations, making event success rate a critical KPI. This metric evaluates the overall effectiveness of your events, including attendance rates, member satisfaction surveys, and revenue generated. 

Successful events can drive membership growth, increase engagement, and boost your association's reputation. Analyzing event success rates lets you refine your planning process to deliver even more impactful experiences.

Membership Satisfaction Score


The membership satisfaction score is a vital KPI that reflects how satisfied your members are with your association's offerings and services. This score is typically gathered through surveys or feedback forms, providing a direct insight into how well the association meets its members' needs

A high satisfaction score indicates that members feel valued and engaged, while a lower score may signal areas for improvement. Regularly tracking this KPI helps associations maintain a positive relationship with members, guaranteeing they continue to find value in their membership.

New Member Acquisition Cost

The new member acquisition cost measures how much it costs your association to attract and recruit a new member. This KPI is calculated by dividing the total marketing and recruitment expenses by the number of new members acquired over a certain period. 

Keeping this cost low is essential for maximizing your return on investment (ROI) in membership growth strategies. A high acquisition cost may indicate inefficiencies in your marketing efforts or that you’re spending too much on campaigns with minimal results. 

Monitoring this metric helps associations fine-tune their recruitment strategies to be more cost-effective.

Digital Engagement Metrics

Online engagement plays a significant role in an association’s success. Digital engagement metrics track how members interact with your association’s online platforms, such as your website, social media, email newsletters, and mobile apps.

Metrics like website traffic, social media interaction rates, and email open/click-through rates provide valuable insights into how well your digital content is resonating with members. 

Strong digital engagement indicates that members find your online resources valuable and accessible, while weak engagement may suggest a need for more relevant or interactive content. 

Statistics show revenue increased by 90% on average with digital customer engagement investments, highlighting the importance of prioritizing digital interaction.

Volunteer Participation Rate

The volunteer participation rate measures the percentage of members who actively volunteer for various roles and tasks within your association. This is crucial for assessing how engaged and committed your members are beyond attending events or consuming content

High volunteer participation often correlates with a stronger sense of community and member loyalty, as these individuals are deeply invested in the association's mission. 

Additionally, 89% of participants believe that organizations supporting volunteerism provide a better overall work environment than those that do not, further emphasizing the value of encouraging volunteer involvement. 

A low participation rate may indicate a lack of motivation or awareness about volunteer opportunities. Moreover, tracking this KPI helps associations adjust their strategies to inspire greater volunteer involvement and create a more vibrant online community.

Strategic Partnership Outcomes

Strategic partnerships can be an essential driver of growth and value for associations, and monitoring their outcomes is central to evaluating their effectiveness. 

This KPI tracks the tangible results of collaborations, such as increased member benefits, sponsorship revenue, or enhanced visibility for the association

Successful partnerships should deliver measurable benefits that align with your association’s goals, whether through expanded resources, shared expertise, or joint events. Monitoring partnership outcomes helps confirm that collaborations are mutually beneficial and contribute to your association's overall success.

Implementing and Monitoring KPIs

  • Once you’ve identified the KPIs that are critical for your association’s growth, the next step is to implement and consistently monitor them
  • Effective implementation begins by aligning your KPIs with your strategic goals and ensuring that your team understands the importance of tracking these metrics. Reliable tools, such as CRM systems or data analytics platforms, can be used to gather and analyze the data.
  • To monitor KPIs, routine check-ins should be regularly scheduled to assess progress, and adjustments should be made where necessary
  • This not only helps you catch potential issues early but also certifies that your association is always optimizing its strategies for better outcomes
  • Implementing and regularly tracking these KPIs allows your association to stay on course to achieve sustained growth and success.

Boost Association Performance: Monitor Core KPIs with Glue Up


An association management solution (AMS) streamlines the process of implementing and monitoring KPIs by providing integrated tools to manage member data, track engagement, and measure performance

An AI-powered AMS, such as Glue Up, offers various features that can help associations manage their operations more efficiently

Here’s how Glue Up can assist: 

Centralized Data Management

Glue Up consolidates all your member information, engagement activities, event participation, and financial data into one system. 

Besides, this centralized access makes it easier to track KPIs like membership growth, retention rates, and volunteer participation without having to juggle multiple platforms.

Analytics and Reporting

With built-in reporting and analytics tools, Glue Up automatically generates reports on key KPIs, saving time and ensuring accuracy. 

These reports provide insights into areas like member satisfaction, event success, and financial health, allowing you to make data-driven decisions quickly.

Real-Time Monitoring

You can capitalize on real-time dashboards that let you monitor KPIs as they change, providing immediate insights into your association's health. This helps you stay proactive, identify trends early, and take timely actions to optimize performance.

Member Engagement Tools

You get the tools for managing events, communications, and volunteer opportunities, all of which impact critical KPIs like engagement metrics and satisfaction scores. Facilitating easier interaction with members can boost engagement and improve retention.

Integrating Glue Up into your operations can simplify the process of tracking, analyzing, and improving KPIs, which may lead to better outcomes and more sustainable growth. To learn more about how Glue Up can support your association, you can book a demo.

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